Owners Matt & Michelle Ellis hugging and smiling at the camera

To Abilene: A Love Letter

Dear Abilene,

Our decision to open a business in Abilene was not a difficult one. Michelle and I sat on our couch in our living room with a piece of paper. On that paper were three cities and a list of pros and cons for moving to each one and trying to start a business. It was a landslide (thanks, Stevie Nicks) that brought us down to Abilene. Abilene has always had a reputation for being a great place to raise a family, and we wanted to put it to the test. In 2013, I was 32 with a 29-year-old wife and two young kiddos. I had taught guitar lessons through college at Hardin-Simmons from 2001 - 2004, so I knew it could be done again. We wanted a waiting room, CCTV in each teaching room, and a good location. A friend of mine had some real estate available and we moved in. Abilene has always been a warm, welcoming place for the arts, and you embraced us! I went back to HSU and got my Masters in Music Theory and Composition so that I could invest more of my time back into the community, teaching adjunct at HSU and ACU.

The first month we were open, I had seven weekly students and I was the only teacher. Eleven years later, there are now five of us teaching guitar, piano, voice, fiddle, and ukulele. We are involved in the Live Music scene at many local businesses and venues. Most of us serve in some capacity on worship teams at our churches. Above our involvement is the desire to pass on our love for music to our town, one student at a time. I say this to the parents of my students often: thank you for allowing me to teach your kiddos. So, Abilene, I’d say the same thing to you: Thank you for entrusting your students to us at Mellis Music Studio. We don’t take it lightly and we are forever grateful that we get to do what we love in a place we love, passing on a love for music one student at a time.


Matt & Michelle - Mellis Music Studio

Meet Our Team

Matt Ellis


As the owner and founder of Mellis Music Studio, I’d like to welcome you to our little corner of town! 32 years ago, I picked up a guitar and have rarely put one down since (unless I’m working on our family homestead or making a quick cup of black coffee). I’ve been taking lessons most of my life, learning music theory from greats such as Larry Stanley (lead guitarist for Dolly Parton) and Dan Mitchell at HSU, where I completed my Bachelor’s of Music. I completed my Masters of Music Theory and Composition in 2021, yet despite the rigorous training, guitar never feels like work to me.

Michelle and I have been married almost 20 years and have been blessed with three children: Richard, Lucy, and Nora. We live outside of Abilene on twenty-three acres and have accumulated quite the circus of animals - of course, starring our beloved basset hound, Charlie, who greets all homestead visitors with a resounding baying bark and the most enormous ears this side of the Mississippi. Between teaching at the studio, caring for our land and animals, parenting the most amazing kids ever, and traveling back and forth between all three, it’s a busy/beautiful life and I’m so grateful for it.

I love teaching because I value seeing older and younger generations fall in love with life and music like I have. I strive to give Mellis students every scrap of knowledge I have, hoping that they’ll supercede me in passion and skillset (and pass it down to their children and grandchildren). Whether I’m working with a little one on a tiny ukulele or a professional musician on a well-loved guitar, I’m here to serve in any way I can (and honored to do so).

Shoot me a message anytime, I’d love to work with you.


  1. I am, primarily, a guitarist who sings.  My primary instrument in college, however, was voice.  I sang a recital, all classical literature, in German, Italian, French, and English.

  2. My idea of a vacation is somewhere with a coffee maker, a porch, and a pile of books.

  3. I love very spicy food (as in Serrano, Habanero, 5-star-hot Thai, etc.).  If I’m not perspiring, it’s not hot enough.

  4. My favorite artists, in no specific order are:  James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Dave Matthews Band, Harry Connick, Jr.

  5. The best breakfast burrito location in Abilene is Alfredo’s. Hands down.

Michelle Ellis


Welcome to Mellis Music Studio - our home away from home! As our resident voice teacher, I’ve been singing my whole life!  From making music around the house as a child, to performing church solos at 6-years old, my passion for voice began early! I began training classically when I was 12 years old by performing in my public school choir and competing in TMEA choir competitions and UIL Solo & Ensemble.  I received university level training at Hardin-Simmons University when I was 18 and took private voice lessons from Dr. Lynnette Chambers while completing a minor in music (I received a bachelor of arts degree in sociology from Tarleton State University). I’ve been learning ever since! Whether I’m leading worship in front of thousands at Beltway Park Church, or working one-on-one with a student, I love that music provides connection and community, expression and an ever-expanding opportunity to grow!

I’ve been married for almost 20 years to Matt, and our three amazing children (Richard, Lucy, and Nora) complete our Ellis family! We live on some quiet, hilly land southeast of Abilene - home to our lazy old half-bassett hound dog named Charlie, 3 barn cats, 20-something chickens (and counting), two shepherd dogs, six goats (and babies!), and a pig on the way. When I’m not busy working at the studio, you can find me homeschooling my kids, trucking them to archery and ballet, caring for our growing little homestead, or having a deep conversation with a close friend over coffee.

Speaking of friends, my students are just that. It brings me so much joy to work with such wonderful people one-on-one - finding and developing their healthy singing voice, helping them learn to sing in different scenarios, and assisting them to unlock proper technique that allows them to sing with vocal freedom! Whether you’re already a professional vocalist or you only sing in the privacy of your shower, I have the educational toolbox to help you shine! Message or call me if you think you might be interested! I can’t wait to know you!


  1. My favorite date night involves eating a margherita pizza at Vagabond Pizza and then slowly strolling along the streets of Downtown Abilene.

  2. I’m left-handed and love this about myself! (Left-handed people, unite!)

  3. Matt & I frequently provide live music at great local venues, like The Mill or Moose Mountain Coffee! Come see us, we’d love to say hi!

  4. Whether I’m running, hiking, or just wrangling the animals on our acreage, nature is my happy place!

  5. (Disregard what Matt said about Alfredo’s.) La Popular is, by far, the superior breakfast burrito experience.

Jennifer Cochran


Although I teach fiddle now, I originally started playing classical violin in orchestra forty years ago. My mother always wanted me to play and whichever kid in the family took lessons was going to get to have granddaddy’s keepsake fiddle, so my mom was certain I needed to learn!

I stayed in orchestra and took private violin lessons all the way through college. I enjoyed several years playing with the Abilene Philharmonic and with the collegiate orchestra until I graduated from ACU. In 1998, I married my cowboy sweetheart and we moved to Guthrie Texas, where I met an old timer who played fiddle. My friend introduced me to Western swing/fiddle music, and it became a new love for me! I have enjoyed playing with a few different Western swing bands, attended fiddle workshops/camps, played in fiddle contests, and each summer I take students to my favorite fiddle camp in Turkey Texas.

I can’t express my gratitude enough for getting to learn the violin and now using it to serve and inspire others. It truly is so special! I’ve been teaching off and on for over 20 years, and I love passing on my passion for music and the unique beauty of fiddle to my students. I am so very thankful to have the opportunity to do this with such great friends at Mellis Music Studio. Hope to see you there! Message me if you think fiddle might be for you!


  1. Some of my favorite fiddle players are Johnny Gimble, Charlie Daniels, Jess Meador and Hank Snow.

  2. For the past 22 years, my husband and I have pastored Bethel Assembly in Anson where I get to play with the worship team each week… to worship God in this way gives so much purpose and meaning to my music.

  3. I. love. butter. I even put it in my coffee.

  4. I sing exceptionally well, but only in the shower… for some unknown reason…

  5. Forget breakfast burritos. The cream cheese & apricot pastries at Salty Roan are everything!

Hannah Rempel


I started playing guitar when I first received one for Christmas, and began lessons with Matt Ellis at the age of 13. I fell in love both with music and education, earning my Associates of Art degree from Cisco College, and working towards a bachelor degree in elementary education at Liberty University.

I love teaching guitar because I enjoy transferring my love of music to others and helping them realize that anyone can make music. Giving my students the tools they need to go down their own music path is my passion. I do this by teaching them how to create their own music at home through training them at the studio how to play with the correct techniques. 

Message me anytime if you’re interested in creating your own music or starting guitar lessons with me! I’d love to work with you!


  1. When I’m not teaching, you can find me at Moose Mountain working as a barista! Come see me!

  2. Besides guitar, I love to sing and accompany my students!

  3. Leading worship for kids park at Beltway Park Church always brightens my weekends.

  4. I love my people!!! Spending time with brothers, parents, and friends, doing bad impressions, enjoying nature at Nelson park, and drinking lots and lots of coffee are some of my favorite things.

  5. I firmly believe that La Popular is the only acceptable place in town to eat breakfast burritos.

Tammy Anderson


I have been playing the piano for over 40 years. While in college I minored in piano, then worked briefly in publishing before coming home full-time to homeschool my children. Now that my kids are almost grown and self-sufficient, I’m jumping back into the music world hoping to share with others my love for God, for music, and for creativity at the piano. 

I teach using an integrated approach combining both traditional and by-ear methods tailored specifically to each person’s learning style. My ultimate goal is to create a relaxed environment in which I can inspire a love of music and a willingness to learn no matter the age of the student.

The piano is where you’ll find me when I’m processing life’s ups and downs. If I’m not at the piano, you’ll often find me creating in the kitchen, feeding hungry college students, serving at our church, or curling up with a book and an excellent cup of coffee.  Message me anytime, I’d love to discuss piano with you!  


  1. I enjoy all kinds of music but have a special place in my heart for music that brings peace and calm (basically, lo-fi peace vibes for the soul with a bit of hymns/worship thrown in).

  2. One of my favorite things in the world is writing and playing music with my sons who play guitar and cajon.

  3. I adore freshly roasted coffee and the sweet people at Moose Mountain Coffee.

  4. I love traveling to the mountains or to the beach, any place where the vastness of God can be put in contrast to the smallness of man.

  5. Breakfast burritos don’t impress me much. I prefer a pastry from Salty Roan Bakehouse any day!