Vocal Warm Up Tips
Warming up your voice before you sing is as important as stretching your muscles before working out. Here are some easy and effective vocal warm ups that you can mix in to your busy lifestyle.
You will want to begin by humming, letting your voice fall from a higher pitch to a lower pitch. I like to think of humming quietly, from high to low, as a massage for your vocal cords.
Next you can sing from high to low on a 5 note scale using many different sounds, such as beep, go, yah, and mum. As you warm up, make sure you are allowing your belly to rise and fall as you breathe in and out.
One last exercise that I love is singing the actual numbers of a 5 note scale using this pattern: 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1. And yes, you actually sing the number words! It sounds silly, but it is a very quick and simple way to connect your singing voice with your speaking voice, which brings overall health to your vocal cords.
I hope you find these warm ups helpful and fun!